The TEACH Project

Welcome to the TEACH Project’s online learning environment! TEACH offers evidence-based, accredited, accessible, and clinically relevant curricula to help healthcare practitioners enhance their treatment capacity in tobacco cessation, address e-cigarette use, and support clients with health behaviour changes. To learn more about the TEACH Project, please visit our website:


If you have a question about TEACH courses or require support with registration, scroll to the bottom of this page for a list of FAQs, or email us at

Create a Moodle Account

Register for Faculty-Led Courses

An Interprofessional Comprehensive Course on Treating Tobacco Use Disorder (April 2025)

This 19.5 hour online introductory course will help learners to screen, assess, and treat people with tobacco dependence using evidence-based pharmacotherapies and psych​osocial interventions. Tools and techniques for enhancing motivation and facilitating cessation groups are also covered. This course is faculty-led.

E-cigarettes and Vaping: Approaches to Address Use with Adults and Youth (February 2025)

This 13.5 hour online faculty-moderated course ​is designed to provide learners with the opportunity to increase their knowledge about e-cigarette use to help guide clinical decision-making. Learners will be able to screen & assess for e-cigarette use and use disorder, and design treatment plans using a client-centred, biopsychosocial approach.

Register for Self-Study Courses

Tobacco Interventions with Youth and Young Adults

This 6-hour self-directed course will help learners increase their knowledge about tobacco and nicotine initiation, use, and sustainment among youth and young adults. Learners will explore youth engagement strategies and enhance their skills in offering tailored interventions.

Treating Concurrent Tobacco and Cannabis Use Disorder

This 5-hour self-directed course will provide learners with the knowledge and skills to provide a client-centred, biopsychosocial approach to screen, engage, and treat clients who use tobacco and cannabis. Practical tools and tips to address concurrent use of both substances will be provided.

Tobacco Interventions in Cancer Care Settings

This 4-hour self-directed course will help learners address tobacco use in cancer care settings. Learners will review ways to assess tobacco use, deliver brief interventions, and offer best practice approaches to cessation throughout the cancer care journey.

Intégration d'interventions antitabac dans les centres de cancérologie

Ce cours autodirigé de 4 heures aidera les apprenants à aborder l'usage du tabac dans les établissements de soins contre le cancer. Les apprenants passeront en revue les façons de dépister l'usage du tabac, de réaliser de brèves interventions et d'offrir des approches de pratiques exemplaires en matière de cessation tout au long du parcours de soins contre le cancer.

Explore All TEACH Courses

TEACH courses have been designed by subject matter experts in tobacco/nicotine cessation and continuing medical education. Please click on a course below to learn more. 

Note: courses open for registration will appear in the list above. 

An Interprofessional Comprehensive Course on Treating Tobacco Use Disorder

Tobacco Interventions for Clients with Mental Illness and/or Substance Use Disorders

Tobacco Interventions for First Nations, Inuit, and Metis Populations

E-Cigarettes and Vaping: Approaches to Address Use with Adults and Youth

Integrated Chronic Disease Management and Prevention

Prise en charge et prévention intégrées des maladies chroniques

Tobacco Interventions with Youth and Young Adults

Treating Concurrent Tobacco and Cannabis Use Disorder

Tobacco Interventions in Cancer Care Settings

Intégration d'interventions antitabac dans les centres de cancérologie

Fundamentals of Tobacco Interventions for Dental Professionals

Adapting Substance Use Treatment for People with Acquired Brain Injury

Frequently Asked Questions

To register for a TEACH course, you must first create a TEACH Moodle account here.

If you have already created an account and have yet to receive a confirmation email, kindly email for assistance. 

Once you have a TEACH Moodle account set up and have logged in, scroll to the “Register for Available Courses” section of this page. Click on the course you are interested in registering for and follow the steps for enrolment. 

It is possible to pay in bulk for multiple staff to take a TEACH course. Please connect with our team at and we would be happy to arrange a bulk payment option. 

A $300.00 CAD discount is automatically applied to your account upon payment for your third TEACH Certificate Program course. 

If the discount is not automatically applied upon checkout, please contact our team at and we would be happy to assist. 

All TEACH courses are asynchronous, meaning that participants are not required to be active on the course Moodle at specific times of the day. Instead, most of our courses run on a weekly schedule, where a new module will open every Wednesday, and participants have the flexibility to complete the specified activities at any point before the end of the week (i.e., the following Tuesday).


For currently enrolled students, please visit your course homepage and review the course package for the up-to-date course schedule and assignment due dates.

Most TEACH courses are faculty-led, with the exception of our self-study courses. This distinction is indicated under each Course Overview. 

To obtain a TEACH certificate, participants must successfully complete the TEACH Core Course - An Interprofessional Comprehensive Course on Treating Tobacco Use Disorder (19.5 hours, 5 weeks online), and two of the TEACH Specialty Courses listed below.

TEACH Specialty Courses (13.5 hours, 5 weeks online each):

  • Tobacco Interventions for Clients with Mental Illness and/or Substance Use Disorders
  • Tobacco Interventions for First Nations, Inuit, and Metis Populations
  • Vaping and E-Cigarettes: Approaches to Address Youth with Adults and Youth
  • Integrated Chronic Disease Management and Prevention 

For more information about the TEACH Certificate Program and eligibility criteria, please click here to visit our website.

To access a course you have enrolled in, simply login to your TEACH Moodle account and select the “My Courses” tab in the top right-hand corner of the Moodle homepage.

Once you have completed all mandatory activities for a course, the Letter of Completion can be downloaded directly from the bottom of your course homepage.

For any technical questions related to the TEACH learning environment, please email


If you are currently enrolled in a TEACH course, you may also review the Moodle User Guide found on your course homepage.